Comedy Lab is a Comedy programme.

Doug Stanhope, Go Home has no rating, but Comedy Lab is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
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Comedy Lab: Doug Stanhope, Go Home

Series 9, episode 5

Originally Aired On: Friday, 26 October 2007

Comedy Lab, Channel 4's unique comedy showcase that unearths the stars of the future, continues. Controversial American stand-up Doug Stanhope delivers hard-hitting, thought-provoking comedy looking at immigration in Britain. Immigration is on the increase and Doug's big question is: why? Why would anyone want to move to a country characterised by grey skies, bad service and miserable, misshapen, lazy losers with no hope for the future? During the show Doug tries to get a British passport, works the dayshift at a potato factory with Polish immigrants, tackles the great British public on talk radio, and discusses nationalism with the BNP.