Robin's Nest is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1977.

Just an Old-Fashioned Girl has no rating, but Robin's Nest is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "Robin's Nest"

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Robin's Nest: Just an Old-Fashioned Girl

Series 5, episode 5

Directed by
Peter Frazer-Jones

Originally Aired On: Tuesday, 05 February 1980

Sitcom about a restaurateur. Robin and Vicky become romantic go-betweens when Nicholls finds a new flame and Gertrude gets hot and bothered over Albert


Tony Britton...James Nicholls
Tessa Wyatt...Victoria Tripp
Richard O'Sullivan...Robin Tripp
David Keeley...Albert Riddle
Peggy Aitchison...Gertrude
Anna Dawson...Atalanta
Eddy May Scandrett...Saleslady