Robin's Nest is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1977.

Sorry, Partner has no rating, but Robin's Nest is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "Robin's Nest"

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Robin's Nest: Sorry, Partner

Series 4, episode 6

Directed by
Peter Frazer-Jones

Originally Aired On: Thursday, 29 March 1979

Sitcom about a restaurateur. Robin and Vicky have their hands full when Nicholls tries to recapture lost glory and lost love on the badminton court


Richard O'Sullivan...Robin Tripp
Tessa Wyatt...Victoria Tripp
Tony Britton...James Nicholls
David Keeley...Albert Riddle
Richard Coleman...Fanthorpe
Maggie Wright...Jane
Fredric Abbott...P.T.I.
Image for Burt KwoukBurt Kwouk...Barman
Ken Barker...Umpire