Robin's Nest is a Sitcom programme that first aired in 1977.

The Happy Hen has no rating, but Robin's Nest is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Sitcom programme "Robin's Nest"

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Robin's Nest: The Happy Hen

Series 3, episode 13

Directed by
Peter Frazer-Jones

Originally Aired On: Monday, 18 December 1978

Sitcom about a restaurateur. Nicholls seems set to achieve his ambition of owning all the catering outlets in Fulham. But when he buys the property next door to set up an omelette house, he ends up with egg on his face


Richard O'Sullivan...Robin Tripp
Tessa Wyatt...Victoria Tripp
Tony Britton...James Nicholls
David Keeley...Albert Riddle
Liz Fraser...Vera
Ray Barron...Fred
Peter Quince...Bert
Derek Seaton...Olsen
Geoffrey Russell...Mr. Dobson
Frank Tregear...Customer
Joan Harsant...Customer
Max Faulkner...Customer