Friends is a Sitcom programme.

Image for episode "The One with the Ride-Along" from Sitcom programme "Friends"

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Friends: The One with the Ride-Along

Series 5, episode 20

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Gary Halvorson

The guys enjoy a ride in a police car, until the sound of a gunshot causes them to fear for their lives. Meanwhile, Rachel accidentally listens to a telephone message to Ross from Emily. Comedy, starring Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer

Cast (unconfirmed)

Image for Jennifer AnistonJennifer Aniston
Image for Courteney CoxCourteney Cox
Image for Lisa KudrowLisa Kudrow
Image for David SchwimmerDavid Schwimmer
Image for Matthew PerryMatthew Perry
Image for Matt LeBlancMatt LeBlanc
Michael Rapaport
Helen Baxendale
Seth Kurland
Shana Goldberg-Meehan