Doctor Who: The Time Meddler

Series 2, episode 9

Written by
Directed by
Richard Martin

Originally Aired On: Saturday, 26 December 1964

A day of classic adventures begins with the first Doctor, William Hartnell, landing in the England of 1066. It is soon clear that something is very wrong when the time travellers discover a modern day wristwatch.


Image for William HartnellWilliam Hartnell...Dr. Who
William Russell...Ian Chesterton
Jacqueline Hill...Barbara Wright
Carole Ann Ford...Susan Foreman
Peter Hawkins...Daleks
David Graham...Daleks
Robert Jewell...Dalek Machine Operator
Nick Evans...Dalek Machine Operator
Gerald Taylor...Dalek Machine Operator
Murray Grumbar...Dalek Machine Operator
Martyn Huntley...Roboman
Peter Badger...Roboman
Peter Fraser...David Campbell
Bernard Kay...Carl Tyler
Ann Davies...Jenny
Nicholas Smith...Wells