This hilarious British comedy is set around a pair of inventive orphaned con men who live in disused gas works. Jez (Stuart Townsend), is the British techie nerd, and Dylan (Dan Futterman) is a very charming American who is currently on the run from some nasty characters back in the U.S.
In an attempt to make it big in life, the pair try to con wealthy corporations out of large amounts of money so they can buy the house of their dreams - a stately home!
During one of their many scams, selling a voice recognition computer, the motley crew hire a secretary, Georgie (Kate Beckinsale), to help them in their hair brained schemes. Unaware of their intentions when she started, Georgie soon starts to smell a rat, so tries to use her feminine wiles to convince the petty fraudsters to use the money for a better cause?