Sarah Plain and Tall is a Film programme that first aired in 1991.

Sarah Plain and Tall is a 4 star programme


Sarah Plain and Tall (1991)

Directed by
Glenn Jordan

A single New England woman responds to an advertisement by a Midwestern widower in which he asks for a bride to help him raise his two children.

Written by

Genre: Film

Running Time: 120 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1991

4/5 Stars

Production Country: USA

Filmed in Colour

Made for TV


Image for Glenn CloseGlenn Close...Sarah Wheaton
Image for Christopher WalkenChristopher Walken...Jacob Witting
Lexi Randall...Anna Witting
Malgorzata Zajaczkowska...Maggie Grant
Jon DeVries...Matthew Grant
Christopher Bell...Caleb Witting
Image for James RebhornJames Rebhorn...William Wheaton
Woody Watson...Jess Stearns
Betty Laird...Mrs. Parkley
Marc Penney...Ticket Agent
Kara Beth Taylor...Rose