15 certificateK2 is a Film programme that first aired in 1991 and has been classified a 15 certificate.

K2 is a 3 star programme

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K2 (1991)

Directed by
Franc Roddam

Mountaineering drama about an expedition to climb the world's second highest peak. Disaster strikes when two of the group are killed, leaving the remaining members of the party to make the final assault alone. Set against a backdrop of spectacular scenery.

Genre: Film

Running Time: 105 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1991

3/5 Stars

Classification: 15 Certificate

Production Country: UK/Japan

Filmed in Colour


Image for Michael BiehnMichael Biehn...Taylor Brooks
Matt Craven...Harold Jameson
Julia Nickson-Soul...Cindy Jameson
Luca Bercovici...Dallas Woolf
Raymond J. Barry...Phillip Claiborne
Hiroshi Fujioka...Takane Shimuzu
Patricia Charbonneau...Jacki Metcalf
Badi Uzzaman...Ibrahim
Edward Spat...Mike Spatt
Andrew Spat...Todd Spatt