Third Watch: Fury

Series 5, episode 8

Directed by
Peter Ellis

Originally Aired On: Friday, 21 November 2003

Doc is demoted back to the streets and continues his downward spiral, presenting Kim with no end of problems as he lies about his demotion, resists her orders as the supervising paramedic, and deliberately runs down a perp with the bus; Barnes is shanked at Riker's for doing a flip on Buford; Carlos is devastated when Kylie is diagnosed with aplastic anemia and he's not a match for a bone marrow donation; Sully tries to deflect Ty's teasing about his relationship with Barbara by getting him to focus on their LSAT prep; after a horrific gunfight, Maritza finally captures Lettie's killer and decides to spare him so that he can suffer for the rest of his life in prison.


Image for Michael BeachMichael Beach...Monte 'Doc' Parker
Coby Bell...Off. Tyrone 'Ty' Davis Jr.
Image for Kim RaverKim Raver...Kim Zambrano
Anthony Ruivivar...Carlos Nieto
Skipp Sudduth...Off. John 'Sully' Sullivan
Tia Texada...Sgt. Maritza Cruz
Jason Wiles...Off. Maurice 'Bosco' Boscorelli
Seth Barrish...Kaydar
Tim Devlin...Buford
Timothy Devlin...Rick Buford
Joseph D'Onofrio...Mailman
Christopher Durham...Dr. Hamill
Jason Paul Field...Gant
Glenn Fleshler...Gary Barnes
Ross Gibby...FBI Agent Kirby
Michael J.X. Gladis...Eugene Rossi
Mikey Holland...Michael Kenny
Sakina Jaffrey...Hickman
Yvonne Jung...Holly Levine
Philip Levy...Chief Rodgers
Alyxx Morgen...Nurse Morgen
Haviland Morris...Mrs. Kenny
Tim Ransom...Mr. Kenny
Coleen Sexton...Karen Jones
Allison Daugherty Smith...ADA Dianne Mann