Third Watch: In Plain View

Series 5, episode 20

Originally Aired On: Friday, 23 April 2004

Tensions still run high in the Yokas household; Lester preps Bosco for Mikey's hearing, and then pulls a switch when he cross-examines him on the stand, leading to Mikey's getting RORd; Sully realizes what a toll the job has taken on him by his reaction to the deaths of three people in a robbery at the restaurant where he eats breakfast every day; Faith and Bosco answer a call which leads them to Lester's house, where they find his daughter not breathing; Sully tracks down and arrests the restaurant murderer; after Dr. Hickman tells Faith and Bosco that Lester's wife and daughter have been severely beaten, Lester is arrested; Sully gets his LSAT results; Ty and Sasha get closer.


Coby Bell...Off. Tyrone 'Ty' Davis Jr.
Nia Long...Off. Sasha Monroe
Molly Price...Off. Faith Yokas
Skipp Sudduth...Off. John 'Sully' Sullivan
Jason Wiles...Off. Maurice 'Bosco' Boscorelli
Douglas J. Aguirre...Court Officer
Joseph Badalucco Jr....Jelly Grimaldi
Gil Deeble...Resident
Massai Z. Dorsey...Drew
Ashley Greiner...Rebecca Martin
Joan Porter Hollander...Neighbor
Kate Jackson...Jan Martin
Sakina Jaffrey...Dr. Hickman
Yvonne Jung...Holly Levine
Joe Lisi...Lt. Swersky
Alyxx Morgen...Nurse Morgen
Trevor Oswalt...Sammy
Brocton Pierce...Judge
Jesus Ruiz...Detective
Allison Daugherty Smith...ADA Dianne McCann
Image for Henry WinklerHenry Winkler...Lester Martin