Third Watch: Black and Blue

Series 5, episode 12

Originally Aired On: Friday, 16 January 2004

When Sasha discusses taking the sergeant's exam with Maritza, Maritza reveals that she received her promotion meritoriously, not from passing the test; the police are on high alert after two women are assaulted and robbed by men posing as police officers. Later on at the hospital one of the victim dies from there wounds. Kim and Jimmy decide to keep their blossoming romance quiet until Kim is pulled over by the impostors and narrowly escapes with her life with the help of Bosco, Maritza, Sully and Sasha.


Image for Michael BeachMichael Beach...Monte 'Doc' Parker
Coby Bell...Off. Tyrone 'Ty' Davis Jr.
Image for Eddie CibrianEddie Cibrian...Jimmy Doherty
Nia Long...Off. Sasha Monroe
Molly Price...Off. Faith Yokas
Image for Kim RaverKim Raver...Kim Zambrano
Anthony Ruivivar...Carlos Nieto
Skipp Sudduth...Off. John 'Sully' Sullivan
Tia Texada...Sgt. Maritza Cruz
Jason Wiles...Off. Maurice 'Bosco' Boscorelli
Mary Bacon...Woman
Brielle Barbusca...Child on playground
Jetro Spencer Barclay...Jaime
Michael Chaban...Burke
Jake Cherry...Sean
Chris Diamantopoulos...Hanson
Massai Z. Dorsey...Drew
M'el Dowd...Old Lady
Dylan Griffin...Sammy
Sakina Jaffrey...Dr. Hickman
Yvonne Jung...Holly Levine
John Manzelli...Tic Omp
Alyxx Morgen...Nurse Morgen
Herbert Rubens...Moe
Charles Sammarco...Graney
Bruce Turk...Michael Watkins