Ruth Rendell Mysteries is a Drama programme.

Secret House of Death (Part 2) has no rating, but Ruth Rendell Mysteries is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Drama programme "Ruth Rendell Mysteries"

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Ruth Rendell Mysteries: Secret House of Death (Part 2)

Series 2, episode 2

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Jim Goddard

Part two of two. When Susan Townsend discovers the bodies of her neighbour and a recent visitor, it bears all the hallmarks of a tragic suicide pact. However, as the details of the deaths begin to emerge, Susan's normally quiet life becomes complicated and dangerous. The true extent of Bob's affair with Magdelene is gradually revealed as Susan's suspicions begin to grow

Cast (unconfirmed)

Image for Amanda RedmanAmanda Redman
Sarah Parks
Amanda Royle
Adam Welsh
Sally Kinghorn
Image for Owen TealeOwen Teale
Ian Thompson
Nicola Redmond
Jonathan Linsley
Image for Lucy CohuLucy Cohu