Ruth Rendell Mysteries

A university student with psychological problems finds that his problems relate to a bizarre 24-hour disappearance when he was a six-year-old boy.

Genre: Drama

3/5 Stars

When is Ruth Rendell Mysteries next on TV?

It's next showing on ITV3 May 5th, 12:55am and on ITV3 Plus 1 (Freeview) May 5th, 1:55am. See more...

Main Cast

Leslie Phillips
Joanna Kanska
Mark Frankel
Jane Gurnett
Eleanor David
Leonard Preston
Clare Matthews
Gregg Prentice
David Daker
Josephine Butler
Barbara Ewing
Image for James CallisJames Callis
Inday Ba
Max Brazier
David Hargreaves
Rebecca Lacey
Melanie Kilburn
Arthur White
Peter Egan
Peter Gilmore