One Tree Hill is a Drama programme. In Da Club has no rating, but One Tree Hill is a 3/5 star programme.
Next Show TimesSeasons in DetailTagsOne Tree Hill: In Da ClubSeries 5, episode 7Directed by Gregory Prange Originally Aired On: Tuesday, 12 February 2008The friends gather at Tric to see The Honorary Title perform, and Mia gets the chance to play her song there too. Brooke is infuriated when Victoria turns up. Carrie tries to get closer to Nathan. Brooke sets Mouth up on a blind date with her assistant Millicent, but Alice ruins the plan with her interference. Meanwhile, Lindsey confronts Lucas about Peyton, and Lucas rounds off the evening by making an astonishing proposal. Click to see when One Tree Hill, In Da Club is coming up on UK TV Cast
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