One Tree Hill is a Drama programme.

Life Is Short has no rating, but One Tree Hill is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
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One Tree Hill: Life Is Short

Series 5, episode 15

Directed by
Paul Johansson

Originally Aired On: Monday, 28 April 2008

Nathan and Haley throw a birthday party for Jamie. Deb hires a clown, and Haley is not happy with it since it's a creepy one. Lindsey returns to Tree Hill for Jamie's birthday, which gives Lucas hope that the relationship will be rekindled. When Dan arrives, Deb's mood swings fast and in the meantime Brooke and Peyton attend the party with baby Angie.


Image for Chad Michael MurrayChad Michael Murray...Lucas Scott
Image for James LaffertyJames Lafferty...Nathan Scott
Image for Hilarie BurtonHilarie Burton...Peyton Sawyer
Image for Bethany Joy LenzBethany Joy Lenz...Haley James Scott
Image for Sophia BushSophia Bush...Brooke Davis
Image for Paul JohanssonPaul Johansson...Dan Scott
Lee Norris...Marvin 'Mouth' McFadden
Antwon Tanner...Skills Taylor
Jackson Brundage...James Scott
Lisa Goldstein...Millicent
Michaela McManus...Lindsey Strauss
Cullen Moss...Junk Moretti
Vaughn Wilson...Fergie Thompson
Barbara Alyn Woods...Deb Lee