One Tree Hill is a Drama programme. Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace has no rating, but One Tree Hill is a 3/5 star programme.
Next Show TimesSeasons in DetailTagsOne Tree Hill: Echoes, Silence, Patience and GraceSeries 5, episode 13Written by Mark Schwahn Directed by Gregory Prange Originally Aired On: Monday, 14 April 2008Lucas is distraught after being dumped at the altar, while Nathan and Haley go to counselling to work out their marital problems, with surprising results. Now Dan is a free man, but he runs into a dead end trying to readjust. Brooke is asked some difficult questions while being interveiwed to be an adoptive mom. Meanwhile, Peyton gets a visit from her old friend, Max the old owner of the infamous Tree Hill music shop. Click to see when One Tree Hill, Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace is coming up on UK TV Cast
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