Being Erica is a Drama programme that first aired in 2009. Dr. Erica has no rating, but Being Erica is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsBeing Erica: Dr. EricaSeries 4, episode 11Directed by Chris Grismer Originally Aired On: Monday, 12 December 2011In the conclusion to series four and the last ever episode of the Canadian drama, 50/50 reaches an important milestone as the publishing company branches out into fiction. Erica begins to experience headaches and visions as her training comes to an end and she realises that she is becoming a fully-fledged doctor who can time travel at will. However, nothing can prepare her for her most difficult challenge yet - saying goodbye to Doctor Tom as he retires Click to see when Being Erica, Dr. Erica is coming up on UK TV Cast
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