Panorama is a Documentary programme.

Heroes of 21/7 has no rating, but Panorama is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
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Panorama: Heroes of 21/7

Series 612, episode 0

On 21st July 2005, a group of suicide bombers set out to bring death to the capital. For the second time in as many weeks the country was under attack. Panorama talks to the bus and tube passengers who thought they would die that day and to the unlikely heroes who confronted the bombers. In an exclusive interview, Jeremy Vine, meets fire-fighter Angus Campbell, who tackled one of the bombers on his own, plus the battling pensioners who gave chase along the platforms and crowded escalators in a bid to catch the terrorists. The team has also met the cop at the heart of Scotland Yard's investigation - in what turned out to be the biggest manhunt in the UK's history.