Panorama is a Documentary programme.

Elderly Care: Condition Critical? has no rating, but Panorama is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
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Panorama: Elderly Care: Condition Critical?

Series 289, episode 0

Using secret filming and exclusive research into the mortality rates of care and nursing homes for the elderly in England, Panorama investigates evidence of death hastened by neglect and exposes the pain of poor care. A leading doctor and statistician has uncovered death rates and mistreatment at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Hospital Trust and says the care sector is decades behind in using mortality rates to detect poor care. The national regulator, the Care Quality Commission has promised to get tough with providers who fail to report deaths and commits to looking at death rates more widely in an effort to drive out poor care. Two daughters and a whistleblower tell their story in this film.