Panorama is a Documentary programme.

Conned By My Church - Panorama has no rating, but Panorama is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
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Panorama: Conned By My Church - Panorama

Series 1970, episode 0

For the past five years, a radical new church has been promising hundreds of young people an escape from gangs and crime and a pathway to salvation through prosperity and success. SPAC Nation, the Salvation Proclaimers Anointed Church, holds services in hotels, conference halls and football grounds and leader Tobi Adegboyega has been courted by politicians and the media for his work in tackling gang violence. But Panorama has discovered how the church's outward show of concern for young people may hide a less than charitable appetite for money. Reporter Greg McKenzie investigates its fundraising activities and speaks to young worshippers who say they've been forced into debt whilst church leaders enjoy lavish lifestyles

Cast (unconfirmed)

Greg McKenzie
Claire Burnett
Rachel Jupp