Opera on 3 is an Arts programme.

Image for the Arts programme "Opera on 3"

Opera on 3

J David Jackson conducts Gluck's beautiful setting of the ancient tale of Orfeo ed Euridice. Ying Fang sings Euridice, and Anthony Roth Costanzo, her devoted Orfeo. Euridice has died after having been bitten by a snake and Orfeo vows to rescue her from the underworld, with the help of Amore, God of Love - but the condition is that he must not look back at her. Presented by Debra Lew Harder, with commentator Ira Siff. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice. Ying Fang (Euridice: soprano), Anthony Roth Costanzo (Orfeo: countertenor), Elena Villalón (Amore: soprano), Chorus and Orchestra of the New York Metropolitan Opera, J David Jackson (conductor).

Genre: Arts

When is Opera on 3 next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Radio 3 June 8th, 6:00pm and on BBC Radio 3 June 15th, 6:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Sally Burgess
Kai Rüütel
Alwyn Mellor
Nina Stemme
Ain Anger
Emily Magee
Christina Bock
Lauren Fagan
Gunther Groissbock
Gerhard Siegel
Andrew Staples
Markus Eiche
Wiebke Lehmkuhl
Johannes-Martin Kranzle
Claudia Huckle
Maida Hundeling
Catherine Carby
Andrew Kennedy
Sarah Fox
Russel Smythe