Antiques Road Trip

Antiques experts David Harper and James Lewis drive from Belfast to Kendal in their search for antiques. On the way, they stumple upon the most remote antiques dealers they can find. After making some good profits at their first auction, they're keen to trade up. James makes some risky big purchases, while David plays it cautious, spending little. Which strategy will pay off at auction?

Genre: Special Interest

3/5 Stars

When is Antiques Road Trip next on TV?

It's next showing on Really Today, 3:00pm and on Really Today, 4:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Philip Serrell
Tim Wonnacott
Mark Stacey
Natasha Raskin Sharp
Christina Trevanion
Charles Hanson
Oli Sloane
Anita Manning
Izzie Balmer
Irita Marriott
Tim Medhurst
David W. Harper
Thomas Plant
Catherine Southon
Will Hustler
Steven Moore
Will Woodward
Will Axon
Alberto Terracina
Elliot Kew