One Tree Hill is a Drama programme. You Gotta Go There to Come Back has no rating, but One Tree Hill is a 3/5 star programme.
Next Show TimesSeasons in DetailTagsOne Tree Hill: You Gotta Go There to Come BackSeries 1, episode 10Directed by Keith Samples Originally Aired On: Tuesday, 20 January 2004Lucas and Peyton try to redefine their friendship after Lucas chooses to be with her best friend, Brooke, who is unaware that Lucas and Peyton briefly dated. Dan invites Deb to a getaway weekend, but she suggests he devote the time to Nathan. However, Dan and Nathan's father/son weekend ends abruptly when, after Dan's constant criticism, Nathan publicly reveals his drug use and rebukes his father. Click to see when One Tree Hill, You Gotta Go There to Come Back is coming up on UK TV Cast
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