Howards' Way is a Drama programme.

Image for the Drama programme "Howards' Way"

Howards' Way

James reveals the truth about his tragic past to Jan, while Laura and Ken have a disagreement over the commissioning of the trailer-sailer.

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 60 minutes (approx)

When is Howards' Way next on TV?

It's next showing on U&Drama Today, 4:10pm and on U&Drama Plus 1 Today, 5:10pm. See more...

Main Cast

Patricia Shakesby
Jan Harvey
Stephen Yardley
Susan Gilmore
Glyn Owen
Maurice Colbourne
Nigel Davenport
Tony Anholt
Malcolm Jamieson
Timothy Mooreland
Maria Eldridge
Vikki Richards
Cindy Shelley
Michael Denison
Dulcie Gray
Iain Rattray
Oscar Quitak
Kulvinder Chir
Cindy Shelly
Bruce Bould